5 Things you have to do with your Growing family!

Something that I have learned with my big family is that adaptability to new things and situations is key. However a Growing family, I have consistently done these 5 things and they are something that I wouldn’t change for anything.

You know, being part of a big family is like starring in our very own sitcom. Seriously, with nine of us under one roof, including seven kids, our home is always buzzing with activity. It’s a whirlwind of laughter, chaos, and occasional mayhem. But you know what? Despite the challenges that naturally come with a big brood, there’s something magical about it all.

Picture this:

mornings are like orchestrated chaos, with everyone rushing to get ready for the day. It’s like watching a comedy sketch unfold as socks go missing, breakfast spills happen, and someone always manages to forget their homework. Yet, amidst the madness, there’s a sense of camaraderie and warmth that fills the air.

And let’s not forget meal times. Dinner at our house is like a scene out of a sitcom, with seven hungry mouths to feed and endless debates over whose turn it is to set the table. There are moments of culinary triumphs and occasional kitchen disasters, but in the end, it’s about coming together as a family and sharing in each other’s company.

Despite the chaos, countless moments make it all worthwhile. Whether it’s the impromptu dance parties in the living room, the late-night talks with siblings that turn into hours-long conversations, or the shared laughter over inside jokes that only we understand, these moments are what truly define our family.

Sure, there are challenges along the way. From sibling rivalries to navigating conflicting schedules, it’s not always smooth sailing. But through it all, we’ve learned the value of patience, compromise, and unconditional love.

So, while our household may resemble a sitcom at times, complete with its fair share of plot twists and comedic moments, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Because in the end, it’s the love, laughter, and memories we create together that make it all worthwhile.

5 things that every Growing family should do

Documenting the Hilarity

Implementing Chores

Productive Pursuits

Mentorship and Support:

Capturing Moments:

Documenting the Hilarity:

You know, in our big family, every day is like a comedy show waiting to happen. With seven kids running around, there’s never a shortage of laughter and funny moments. That’s why I make it a point to jot down these hilarious antics and remarks every three months. It’s like collecting little gems of joy that we can revisit whenever we need a good laugh.

Picture this: one day, we’re all sitting down for dinner, and out of nowhere, my youngest sibling innocently asks if chickens lay scrambled eggs. You can imagine the eruption of laughter that followed. It’s moments like these that remind us how precious and hilarious family life can be.

And it’s not just the big moments that make it onto the list. It’s the everyday silliness, like the time someone tried to put their shoes on the wrong feet or when we had an impromptu dance party in the kitchen while making pancakes. These moments might seem insignificant, but they’re what make our family unique and special.

By documenting these momentsof your Growing family, we’re not just capturing laughter; we’re preserving memories that we’ll treasure for years to come. It’s like building a scrapbook of joy, filled with snapshots of our lives together. And when we look back on these memories, we’re reminded of the love and happiness that fills our home, even on the craziest of days.

Implementing Chores in a Growing family:

In a big family like ours, the daily hustle and bustle can sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s why implementing chores isn’t just about maintaining a tidy home; it’s about instilling valuable life skills and fostering a sense of responsibility in each family member.

Picture this: a typical Saturday morning in our household. Instead of chaos and disorder, there’s a sense of purpose and teamwork as we gather to tackle our assigned chores. From the youngest sibling to the oldest, everyone has a role to play in keeping our home running smoothly.

At first, the idea of chores might have been met with groans and protests. But over time, we’ve come to realize the importance of pitching in and doing our part. Whether it’s washing dishes, folding laundry, or sweeping the floors, each chore is a small but essential contribution to the well-being of our family.

Look at it in a new way

But chores are about more than just completing tasks. They’re about cultivating a culture of teamwork and cooperation. By working together to accomplish shared goals, we learn the value of collaboration and mutual support. We celebrate each other’s successes, offer assistance when needed, and hold each other accountable for our responsibilities.

Moreover, chores teach us important life skills that extend far beyond household duties. From time management and organization to accountability and work ethic, we’re developing skills that will serve us well in all aspects of our lives. And perhaps most importantly, we’re learning the importance of taking pride in our work and contributing to the greater good of our family unit.

Through implementing chores, we’re not just keeping our home tidy; we’re nurturing a sense of responsibility and independence in each family member. We’re fostering a culture of teamwork and cooperation that strengthens our familial bonds and prepares us for the challenges that lie ahead. And in the end, we’re creating a home where everyone plays a vital role in shaping our shared future.

Productive Pursuits:

In our bustling household, finding ways to channel our energy into productive activities isn’t just a choice; it’s a necessity. With seven of us eager to explore, create, and learn, we’ve turned our home into a hub of productivity and growth.

Imagine a typical weekend afternoon. Instead of lounging around in front of screens, we’re out in the backyard, getting our hands dirty in the garden. Whether we’re planting vegetables, tending to flowers, or simply enjoying the fresh air, gardening has become a shared passion that brings us closer together. And the best part? We get to reap the rewards of our labor when we harvest our own produce for dinner.

Goals are important

But it’s not just about gardening. We’re a family of DIY enthusiasts, always on the lookout for our next project. From building birdhouses to refurbishing old furniture, there’s no shortage of creative endeavors to tackle together. These DIY projects not only hone our skills but also foster a sense of pride and accomplishment as we see our ideas come to life.

And let’s not forget about learning new skills. With seven curious minds eager to explore, we’ve turned our home into a makeshift classroom. Whether we’re mastering a new instrument, experimenting in the kitchen, or delving into a new hobby, there’s always something new to discover. These pursuits not only broaden our horizons but also strengthen our bonds as we embark on these learning journeys together.

By engaging in productive pursuits as a growing family, we’re not just filling our time; we’re investing in our collective growth and development. Whether we’re nurturing plants in the garden, getting creative with DIY projects, or expanding our knowledge through learning, these activities enrich our lives and create lasting memories that we’ll cherish for years to come. And in the end, it’s not just about what we accomplish; it’s about the journey we take together as a family.

Mentorship and Support:

Being part of a big family isn’t just about sharing a home; it’s about having a built-in support system that’s there for you through thick and thin. With seven siblings of varying ages, our household is a melting pot of experiences, perspectives, and wisdom. And within this dynamic, mentorship naturally emerges as a cornerstone of our family culture.

Imagine growing up with older siblings who serve as your guides, your confidants, and your cheerleaders all rolled into one. From helping with homework to offering advice on navigating the ups and downs of adolescence, our older siblings have always been there to lend a helping hand. Whether it’s sharing their own experiences or offering a listening ear, their support has been invaluable in shaping who we are today.

Helping Others

But mentorship in a Growing family isn’t just about the older siblings guiding the younger ones. It’s a two-way street that fosters mutual respect and admiration. Younger siblings bring fresh perspectives, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn, while older siblings offer wisdom, guidance, and a sense of stability. Together, we form a symbiotic relationship that strengthens our familial bonds and enriches our lives in countless ways.

And it’s not just within sibling relationships that mentorship thrives. Our parents play a crucial role as mentors, offering guidance, encouragement, and unconditional love every step of the way. Whether it’s teaching us life skills, imparting valuable lessons, or simply being a source of support during challenging times, their mentorship is the foundation upon which our family is built.

Through mentorship and support, we learn the importance of empathy, compassion, and understanding. We learn to celebrate each other’s successes, lift each other up during setbacks, and grow together as individuals and as a family. And while our paths may diverge and our lives may take us in different directions, the bonds of mentorship and support remain steadfast, serving as a guiding light that illuminates our journey through life.

Capturing Moments:

In our bustling household, where every day is filled with laughter, chaos, and love, capturing moments isn’t just a hobby; it’s a way of life. With seven energetic individuals constantly on the move, there’s never a dull moment, and we’ve made it a priority to capture these precious moments in all their glory.

Imagine walking into our home and being greeted by walls adorned with photographs, each one a testament to the joy and vibrancy of our family life. From candid snapshots of everyday antics to carefully orchestrated family portraits, these photos serve as windows into our shared experiences, preserving memories that would otherwise fade with time.

But it’s not just about the pictures themselves of a Growing family. It’s about the stories they tell and the emotions they evoke. Whether it’s the sheer delight on a sibling’s face as they unwrap a birthday present or the shared laughter during a spontaneous dance party in the living room, each photo captures a moment of pure, unfiltered joy.


And it’s not just the big moments that we capture; it’s the small, seemingly insignificant moments that often mean the most. The quiet moments of togetherness, the stolen glances that speak volumes, the inside jokes that only we understand—these are the moments that make up the fabric of our family life, and they’re the ones we treasure most.

By capturing these moments, we’re not just preserving memories for ourselves; we’re creating a legacy for future generations to cherish. Our family photo albums are a treasure trove of stories waiting to be shared, a visual narrative of our journey through life together.

And in a world that moves at breakneck speed, where moments come and go in the blink of an eye, these photographs serve as anchors, grounding us in the present while reminding us of the bonds that tie us together as a family. So whether we’re flipping through old photo albums or scrolling through digital galleries, one thing is certain: the memories we’ve captured will always hold a special place in our hearts, serving as a timeless reminder of the love, laughter, and togetherness that define our family.

The Power of Presence: Why Being a Present Mom is Imperative

All of these things put together help you to be a present mom through all the challenges that involve raising a family. In a world that constantly demands our attention, being a present mom is more important than ever before. It’s about more than just physically being there; it’s about wholeheartedly engaging with our children and cherishing the precious moments we have together. As a mom myself, I’ve come to realize the profound impact that being present has on both my children and myself. Here’s why I believe being a present mom is imperative:

Building Stronger Bonds with a Growing family:

When we’re present with our children, we’re not just going through the motions; we’re actively building stronger bonds with them. Whether it’s listening intently to their stories, sharing in their laughter, or comforting them during moments of sadness, our presence communicates love, acceptance, and support. These meaningful connections lay the foundation for a lifelong relationship built on trust and mutual understanding.

Fostering Emotional Intelligence:

Being present allows us to tune into our children’s emotions and validate their experiences. By actively listening and empathizing with their feelings, we help them develop emotional intelligence and resilience. When children feel seen and heard by their parents, they learn to navigate their emotions more effectively and build healthier relationships with others.

Creating Lasting Memories:

baking cookies on a rainy afternoon, going for a nature walk, or cuddling up with a book before bedtime, being present allows us to fully immerse ourselves in these experiences and create lasting memories with our children. These shared moments become the fabric of our family story, weaving a tapestry of love and connection that will be treasured for years to come.

Promoting Positive Behavior:

Children thrive on attention and affirmation from their parents. When we’re present and actively engaged with them, we reinforce positive behavior and strengthen their sense of self-worth. Our undivided attention communicates to our children that they are valued and worthy of love, encouraging them to continue making positive choices and striving for excellence.

Setting an Example in a Growing family:

As parents, we are our children’s first and most influential teachers. By modeling presence in our interactions with them, we teach them the importance of mindfulness, empathy, and prioritizing meaningful connections. When our children see us putting down our phones, turning off distractions, and fully engaging with them, they learn valuable lessons about the importance of presence in nurturing relationships.

In conclusion, being a present mom is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity in today’s fast-paced world. By prioritizing presence in our interactions with our children, we cultivate stronger bonds, foster emotional intelligence, create lasting memories, promote positive behavior, and set an example for mindful living. So let’s cherish the moments we have with our children, be fully present with them, and watch as our relationships flourish and our family bonds grow stronger with each passing day.


In the whirlwind of parenthood, amidst the laughter, chaos, and everyday challenges, one thing remains constant: the power of being present. Whether we’re documenting the hilarious antics of our big family or actively engaging with our children in meaningful moments, being present is the thread that weaves together the fabric of our family life.

In our bustling households, where every day feels like starring in our very own sitcom, documenting the hilarity becomes more than just a hobby; it’s a way of capturing the essence of our family’s unique dynamics. From the innocent remarks of our youngest siblings to the impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, these moments of laughter and joy remind us of the beauty and humor that permeate our everyday lives.

But being a present parent goes beyond just capturing moments; it’s about actively participating in them. Whether we’re implementing chores, engaging in productive pursuits, or fostering mentorship and support, being present allows us to build stronger bonds with our children, nurture their emotional intelligence, and create lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come.

So let’s embrace parenthood with open arms, cherishing the moments we have with our families and being fully present in each one. Whether we’re navigating the chaos of a big family or savoring the simplicity of everyday moments, let’s remember the profound impact that being present has on our children and ourselves. Together, let’s create a home filled with love, laughter, and the power of being present.

What does it mean to be a present mother?

Being a present mother entails fully engaging with your children both physically and emotionally, actively participating in their lives, and fostering meaningful connections through quality time spent together.

How can I be more present with my children amidst a busy schedule?

Prioritize quality over quantity, carving out dedicated time each day to connect with your children without distractions. This could be during meals, bedtime routines, or short moments of one-on-one time throughout the day.

What are some practical tips for being present as a mother of a Growing family?

Put away electronic devices during family time, practice active listening, engage in activities your children enjoy, and be mindful of your own emotions and stress levels.

How does being a present mother benefit my children?

Being present allows children to feel seen, heard, and valued, fostering emotional security, enhancing communication skills, and strengthening the parent-child bond.

Is it possible to be a present mother while also balancing work and other responsibilities?

Yes, with intentional effort, time management, and boundary-setting, being a present mother is achievable regardless of other commitments.

What are some challenges I might face in being a present mother with a Growing family?

Common challenges include dealing with distractions, balancing multiple responsibilities, and managing feelings of guilt or inadequacy. However, with mindfulness, realistic expectations, and support, these challenges can be overcome.

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