Embracing Motherhood:

Top ten lessons I have learned

Embarking on the journey of motherhood with seven beautiful souls has been a profound and transformative experience. Shaping the very essence of who I am. The decision to welcome each child into our lives was a deliberate and heartfelt choice. Setting the stage for an extraordinary adventure filled with moments of joy, challenges, and boundless love. In this blog post, I am excited to delve into the intricacies of this unique journey and share the top ten invaluable lessons. That have enriched my life as a mother. You can learn more about us in Embracing chaos.

From the initial realization of impending motherhood to the lively chaos of daily life with seven distinct personalities. This adventure has been a mosaic of emotions and shared experiences. Whether it was the anticipation of a first-time parent or the seasoned routine of caring for a seventh. Each child brought their own set of surprises, contributing to the ever-evolving narrative of our family. Someone I love to listen to is simply on purpose.

  1. Age-Appropriate Chores Foster Responsibility
  2. Cultivate Generosity and Empathy
  3. Recognize Blessings Amidst Chaos
  4. Foster Love After Sibling Disagreements
  5. Acknowledge and Support Emotions
  6. Make Individual Time for Each Child
  7. Continuous Improvement in Parenting
  8. Embrace Gratitude in Everyday Moments
  9. Instill a Spirit of Generosity Beyond the Family
  10. Embrace Motherhood with Openness and Willingness to Learn

Growing UP

The decision to explore the complexities of parenting on an expanded scale. Stemmed from a desire to craft a diverse and meaningful narrative for my children. Little did I know that this path would lead to lessons that surpassed the conventional wisdom of parenting. As our family dynamics unfolded, I found myself not only as a caregiver. But as a perpetual student, discovering the nuances of love, patience, and resilience in ways I had never envisioned.

This blog post seeks to unravel the layers of my journey. Providing a peek into the daily life, triumphs, and challenges of a mom navigating the intricate dance of raising seven unique individuals. As I share these insights. My aspiration is that fellow parents, whether steering the ship of a large family. Just setting sail on the parenting voyage. May find resonance and inspiration in the lessons gleaned along the way. Join me in this exploration of love, laughter, and the myriad of emotions. That define the beautiful chaos of being a mom of seven.

My Love Never Gets Less with Each Kid:

The revelation that a mother’s love is boundless is a cornerstone of my journey as a mom of seven. With the arrival of each child. I discovered that love isn’t a finite resource. Rather, it expands and deepens with each new addition to the family. It’s a profound and unconditional connection that defies any preconceived limits.

This understanding, has become a guiding light through the hectic days and sleepless nights. It has enabled me to navigate the complexities of parenting with a profound sense of assurance. Knowing that my love is an unwavering constant for each of my children, regardless of the circumstances.

As I reflect on this lesson, I am reminded of the beauty that unfolds within a large family. It’s not a matter of dividing love among the kids, but rather a journey of witnessing love multiply exponentially. This is a testament to the extraordinary capacity of a mother’s heart.

This lesson in boundless love has taught me the depth and resilience required in raising a large family. It’s a force that sustains and nurtures, creating a foundation of security and acceptance for each child. Embracing this understanding, has allowed me to navigate the beautiful chaos of our family dynamics with grace and unwavering affection. In the tapestry of parenthood, this lesson stands as a testament to the ever-expanding nature of a mother’s love.

Everyone Has Their Own Personality

In the vibrant tapestry of my family, the beautiful diversity of personalities that each child brings. It’s not just a realization. It’s an ongoing journey of discovery and appreciation for the unique traits and quirks that make each of my children distinctly themselves.

This awareness, part of the top ten things I have learned as a mom of seven. Has been a source of constant fascination and joy. From the firstborn to the youngest, I’ve witnessed the emergence of individual characteristics, preferences, and talents. Embracing this diversity has not only enriched my experience as a mother but has also fostered a deeper understanding. Of the unique needs and dynamics within our family.

As I guide my children through the maze of growing up, this lesson. One of the top ten things I have learned as a mom of seven, has been instrumental. It reminds me to approach each child with an open heart, recognizing and celebrating their individuality. Parenting is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and this understanding has allowed me to tailor my approach. To meet the distinctive needs of each child.

In the intricate dance of family life, acknowledging and embracing the diverse personalities within the household. Has become a cornerstone of building strong, meaningful connections. It’s a celebration of individuality that adds depth and color to the shared experiences we navigate together.

Embracing motherhood Adaptability is the Key:

As a mom I have learned is the paramount importance of adaptability in navigating the ever-changing landscape of family life. It’s not merely a skill but a mindset that has proven indispensable in maintaining balance and harmony within our bustling household. I have found out laughter has helped through all the craziness.

In the journey of parenthood, flexibility, highlighted among I have learned. Is not just about weathering storms but about embracing the ebb and flow of daily life. You can find joy in most any situations. This helps you and them become less tense and helps the whole situation lighter. It’s a lesson that extends beyond the confines of our home. Teaches valuable life skills to my children, preparing them for the unpredictable nature of the world.

This understanding, a crucial component of the top ten things I have learned. Has instilled in me the importance of staying open-minded and solution-oriented. It’s about finding creative approaches to challenges and fostering a spirit of adaptability within the family unit. In the intricate dance of parenting seven unique individuals, adaptability stands as a pillar. Ensuring that our family thrives amidst the constant evolution of life.

Make sure to help them help each other, when embracing motherhood

Embracing motherhood as a mom, one of the top ten things I have learned, the profound impact of fostering sibling bonds through mutual support. It’s not just a matter of ensuring harmony within the household. It’s about nurturing a sense of camaraderie that extends far beyond childhood.

In the intricate tapestry of family dynamics. Embracing motherhood involves actively encouraging my children to help each other. A lesson emphasized among the top ten things I have learned. From the oldest to the youngest. The act of supporting one another creates a strong foundation of trust. Teamwork, essential qualities that contribute to a thriving family environment.

Culture of Cooperation

Embracing motherhood calls for a conscious effort to instill a culture of cooperation. This, one of the top ten things I have learned, involves not only guiding them in times of disagreement. But also empowering them to recognize the strength in unity.

Embracing motherhood further emphasizes the ripple effect of sibling cooperation. When my children learn to help and support each other, it not only strengthens their individual relationships. But also fosters a sense of responsibility that extends into their interactions with the wider world. A cornerstone of creating a loving and cohesive family unit. It’s a reminder that,I play a crucial role in shaping the bonds that will endure for a lifetime.

Chores can be for any age

Embracing motherhood in a household with multiple children involves the intentional assignment of age-appropriate chores. This not only serves as a practical means of managing the daily tasks within the family. But also becomes a powerful tool for instilling a sense of responsibility in each child. As a mother of seven, embracing motherhood means recognizing that involving children in household chores. Contributes significantly to their development of essential life skills. The act of assigning tasks tailored to their age not only lightens the load of household responsibilities. But also nurtures a sense of accomplishment and self-reliance in each child.

In this embrace of motherhood, the goal is not merely to delegate tasks. But to foster an environment where children understand the value of their contributions to the family unit. By involving them in age-appropriate chores, a mother cultivates a shared sense of responsibility. Creating a collaborative and supportive atmosphere within the household. This approach sets the foundation for the children to grow into responsible individuals who are aware of the importance of their role in contributing to the well-being of the family. My 13 year old does the dishes down to my two year old who grabs me a diaper for the baby. All of them know they are required to be responsible for something.

In essence, embracing motherhood in the context of assigning chores is about more than just managing the household; it’s a deliberate effort to guide each child toward independence, self-discipline, and a strong work ethic. It’s a journey of empowering children with practical skills while simultaneously fostering a familial ethos of shared responsibility and mutual support.

Helping others is Key

Beyond the realm of household responsibilities, embracing motherhood unfolds as a journey dedicated to instilling a profound sense of generosity and empathy in the hearts of each child. As a mother of seven, nurturing a spirit of compassion becomes a cherished gift that resonates through the years. Embracing motherhood in this context involves engaging children in activities that extend beyond the family unit, fostering a mindset of selflessness and consideration for others.

In the tapestry of a large family, the act of helping others becomes a thread that weaves through the fabric of each child’s character. Embracing motherhood means guiding them towards acts of kindness, whether big or small, that contribute to the well-being of those around them. It’s about imparting the understanding that one’s actions can have a positive ripple effect, creating a culture of empathy that extends beyond familial boundaries.

In essence, embracing motherhood through encouraging children to help others is a continuous investment in shaping individuals who carry a sense of social responsibility. The lessons learned through these experiences become a compass, guiding them towards a life where the inclination to lend a helping hand is second nature. As a mother, fostering this spirit of generosity becomes a lasting legacy, a precious inheritance that transcends the immediate family and enriches the broader tapestry of society.

Embracing Motherhood it is essential to focus on the blessings

Amidst the dynamic and bustling energy of a large family, embracing motherhood takes on an additional layer of significance. The practice of recognizing and appreciating the blessings that surround us. This is a grounding ritual, a moment of reflection amid the chaos that serves as a source of gratitude.

In the whirlwind of daily life, embracing motherhood involves carving out moments to pause. Acknowledge the abundance of blessings, both big and small. It’s about instilling in each child the ability to perceive the beauty in simplicity and the richness in shared moments. As a mother, this practice becomes a cornerstone, a gentle reminder to the family. That amidst the challenges and busyness, there is a tapestry of blessings woven into the fabric of their lives. You can easily do this by taking a minute to recognize your surroundings, others, or even a good moment.

Embracing motherhood through the lens of recognizing blessings is a deliberate choice. To nurture a mindset of gratitude within the family. It’s about teaching children to find joy in the everyday. Fostering an appreciation for the love and connections that bind them together. This practice becomes a compass that guides each child to navigate life with a heart attuned to the positive. Creating a ripple effect of optimism and resilience in the face of challenges.

In essence, embracing motherhood involves not only managing the practicalities of family life. But also savoring the intangible blessings that enrich the family’s collective spirit. It’s a practice that transforms the ordinary into extraordinary. Allowing the beauty of gratitude to permeate the daily rhythm of a large and vibrant household.

Fighting will Happen

At least in my house if someone else has found how to get around this I would love to hear it. Navigating the intricate dynamics of a large family inevitably involves moments of sibling disagreements. Embracing motherhood in the face of conflicts among siblings is a delicate art, requiring a thoughtful approach to transform discord into opportunities for growth. As a mother of seven, fostering love and understanding after disagreements becomes a cornerstone in shaping the sibling bond.

Acknowledging that conflicts are an integral part of familial relationships, embracing motherhood involves guiding children through the process of resolution. It’s not about avoiding disagreements but about instilling in each child the skills to navigate through them with grace and empathy. As a mother, this means stepping into the role of mediator, offering guidance on effective communication and teaching the art of compromise.

Instill Love

Embracing motherhood in the aftermath of sibling disagreements is an invitation to emphasize the enduring importance of love. It’s about instilling in each child the understanding that conflicts, while natural, are transient, and the bonds of family endure. This approach involves facilitating conversations that allow siblings to express their feelings, fostering an environment where apologies are sincere, and forgiveness is genuine.

In essence, embracing motherhood in the context of sibling conflicts is a commitment to transforming challenging moments into valuable lessons. It’s about nurturing a family culture where disagreements are seen not as fractures but as opportunities for emotional intelligence and growth. As a mother, guiding children towards resolution after a disagreement is an investment in a sibling bond fortified by love, understanding, and the shared experiences of navigating the complexities of family life.

It is Imperative you take time for each child when embracing motherhood

In the whirlwind of a bustling household, where the rhythm of daily life is orchestrated by the symphony of multiple personalities, embracing motherhood extends to the intentional act of making time for each child individually. This practice, though it may initially seem challenging in the midst of a large family dynamic, is deemed essential in nurturing strong parent-child connections and fostering a profound sense of significance in each child’s heart.

Embracing motherhood in the context of allocating dedicated moments for one-on-one interactions is a conscious commitment to recognizing and celebrating the uniqueness of each child. It’s about going beyond the collective dynamics of the family unit to create intimate spaces where individual personalities can shine. As a mother of seven, this involves navigating the intricate tapestry of schedules, preferences, and interests to ensure that each child receives the undivided attention that contributes to their emotional well-being.

In the chaos of a bustling household,

These one-on-one moments become cherished pockets of time where a mother can delve into the world of each child, understanding their dreams, fears, and aspirations. It’s a deliberate pause in the hectic pace of family life to convey to each child that they are seen, heard, and valued for the unique individuals they are. Embracing motherhood through these interactions is a continuous affirmation that each child holds a special place in the family constellation.

Moreover, these one-on-one moments serve as building blocks for a strong parent-child bond. They provide a platform for open communication, trust, and the development of a deep understanding between mother and child. It’s an investment in emotional connections that reverberate throughout the family, creating a sense of security and affirmation that each child is an integral part of the familial tapestry.

In essence, making time for each child amidst the bustling household is an integral aspect of embracing motherhood. It’s a commitment to the delicate dance of balancing collective family experiences with the indispensable need for individual attention. As a mother, this practice not only strengthens the parent-child connection but also imparts a lasting sense of significance and belonging to each child in the mosaic of a large and loving family.

Improvement Growing and mistakes are key

In the ever-evolving journey of motherhood, the recognition that improvement is a constant and essential companion becomes a guiding principle in raising children. Embracing motherhood involves an ongoing commitment to personal growth and adaptability, acknowledging that as children change and develop, so too must parenting strategies evolve.

As a mother of seven, understanding that improvement is key in raising kids is an acknowledgment that each stage of childhood brings new challenges and opportunities for learning. It involves a willingness to reflect on one’s parenting approaches, reassessing and adjusting to better meet the evolving needs of each child. Embracing this concept is an acceptance that parenting is a dynamic process that requires continuous learning and adaptation.

Anyone Can do it

Improvement in parenting is not about perfection but about a genuine effort to be attuned to the changing dynamics within the family. It’s about seeking to understand each child’s unique temperament, interests, and developmental milestones, and adjusting parenting styles accordingly. Embracing motherhood through improvement involves being open to new ideas, staying informed about current parenting practices, and being willing to learn from both successes and challenges.

Moreover, the spirit of improvement fosters a growth mindset not only in parents but also in children. It teaches them the value of adaptability, resilience, and the importance of embracing change. Demonstrating a commitment to improvement as a mother sets a powerful example for children, showing them that learning is a lifelong journey and that the capacity for growth extends to all aspects of life.

In essence, embracing motherhood through the lens of improvement is an active and intentional pursuit of becoming a better parent with each passing day. It is a commitment to creating an environment where both parents and children can thrive, learn, and grow together. The realization that improvement is key becomes a cornerstone in the foundation of a family, fostering a culture of continuous learning, understanding, and love.


In the profound tapestry of being a mother to seven children, the conclusion drawn is one of both reflection and forward-looking optimism. Embracing motherhood has been an incredible journey, marked by love, laughter, and an unwavering commitment to growth. These top ten insights, woven into the fabric of daily life, have become guiding principles, steering through the beautiful chaos of a large family.

The realization that improvement is a constant companion underscores the transformative nature of motherhood. It’s an acknowledgment that parenting is not a static role but a dynamic, ever-evolving journey. Each child, with their unique personality and developmental stages, becomes a catalyst for learning and adaptation. Embracing motherhood in this light involves a commitment to continuous improvement, an openness to evolving parenting strategies, and a dedication to creating an environment where both parents and children can thrive.

The journey is enriched by the intentional allocation of individual time for each child, recognizing and celebrating their uniqueness within the family constellation. Making time for one-on-one interactions is not merely a scheduling feat; it is an embodiment of the profound commitment to nurturing strong parent-child connections. These moments, woven into the bustling rhythm of family life, become the threads that strengthen the familial bond and affirm the significance of each child.


Navigating through sibling conflicts with a focus on fostering love and understanding after disagreements speaks to the resilience of familial ties. Embracing motherhood involves turning conflicts into opportunities for growth, teaching children the invaluable skills of effective communication, compromise, and the enduring importance of love within the family.

Recognizing the blessings amid the chaos becomes a source of grounding and gratitude. Embracing motherhood involves instilling in each child the ability to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and find joy in everyday moments. It is a practice that nurtures a mindset of gratitude, creating a familial ethos that transcends challenges and strengthens the collective spirit.

Beyond the household, instilling a spirit of generosity and empathy becomes a gift that reverberates through the years. Embracing motherhood involves guiding children to engage in activities that extend beyond familial boundaries, fostering a compassionate mindset that becomes a lasting legacy enriching the broader tapestry of society.

In conclusion, being a mother of seven is not just a role; it’s an ongoing, transformative journey. Embracing motherhood with an open heart and a willingness to learn has made this experience not only fulfilling but also endlessly rewarding. It’s a journey marked by intentional choices, continuous improvement, and a commitment to creating a nurturing environment where love, laughter, and the lessons of life harmoniously coexist.

Top questions asked of moms with big families

  1. Managing Daily Routines and Schedules:
    • Answer: Organization is key. We have a well-planned daily schedule that includes designated times for meals, chores, and activities. It’s about creating a routine that accommodates everyone’s needs and ensuring clear communication about responsibilities.
  2. Maintaining Individual Connections:
    • Answer: I make a conscious effort to spend one-on-one time with each child. Whether it’s helping with homework, engaging in shared interests, or having heart-to-heart talks, creating individual connections is crucial. It’s about quality over quantity.
  3. Handling Financial Aspects:
    • Answer: Budgeting is a fundamental aspect. We prioritize needs over wants, look for cost-effective solutions, and teach our children the value of money. Planning for the long term and being mindful of expenditures are essential for providing for a larger family.
  4. Unique Challenges and Rewards:
    • Answer: Challenges include coordinating schedules, meeting everyone’s needs, and maintaining a sense of balance. However, the rewards are immense—witnessing the strong bond between siblings, the shared laughter, and the support they offer each other make the challenges worthwhile.
  5. Fostering Unity and Teamwork:
    • Answer: Teamwork is a core value. We encourage collaboration in daily tasks, promote a sense of responsibility for one another, and celebrate achievements as a family. It’s about creating an environment where each child feels valued and an integral part of the team.

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