How I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic

Discovering that your child has a learning difference can be both a challenging and enlightening experience. I was often revealing unexpected connections within the family tree. For me, it was a journey marked by confusion, frustration, and ultimately, understanding. How I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic was many different instances connecting into one.

There was not one sure sign that told me he was dyslexic. It has been a long journey of working and observing what works and what doesn’t. Hoping that something will work but, knowing the time and effort it will take. My husband’s lifelong struggle with mathematics, coupled with my son’s difficulties in language acquisition. Prompted a deeper exploration into the possibility of an inherited disability. In this blog post, I want to share our family’s personal story of recognizing dyslexia in my son. The signs we noticed along the way, and how seeking support transformed our perspective on learning differences.

The Early Years:

As parents, my husband and I observed our son reaching verbal milestones with ease. His vocabulary expanded rapidly, and he seemed to have a natural knack for communication. All the milestones people told me what to look for didn’t seem to apply to him. He was saying his ABC’s he could tell me how to spell his name, and he could count to 10 with ease.

However, when it came to anything written, we began to notice a disconnect. While he could effortlessly express himself verbally, he struggled to connect written symbols to their corresponding sounds and meanings. Simple tasks like recognizing letters or understanding basic phonetics posed significant challenges for him.


How I knew my son was dyslexic was that when it came to recognizing letters. He was in the program upstart for his preschool program. Licking the games and the clicks, but he still wasn’t recognizing the letters when shown. He was good at clicking through and pretending but, wasn’t moving forward. When I would sit and help he would not connect what the letters meant. He still didn’t know the names of all of the letters. I decided to let it pass and hoped that kindergarten would help him to connect them all. I was completely wrong in that. The kindergarten teacher didn’t help, if anything she hurt the situation.

But, How I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic was accelerated when his teacher told me that he was just lazy. He continuously tried to avoid work. I couldn’t believe that I had heard that. I knew my son would try and I knew it was hard. But, for her to call him lazy hit me. We decided he would know all the letters by the end of the year and I knew I couldn’t count on her to help. We started to work on them at home. It was hard and frustrating for me who didn’t understand what was going on.

Why couldn’t he just remember the letters, we had gone through the flashcards many many times. He kept missing them, so I finally decided to connect letters with actions with his hands. This helped him to start to get them and he knew them all by the end of kindergarten. It was easy in that moment to help me know how I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic.

The Frustration Sets In:

As our son progressed through elementary school. It became increasingly evident that he seemed to hit all verbal milestones with ease. The transition to written language posed significant challenges. Simple tasks like recognizing letters and understanding their corresponding sounds became arduous endeavors. What began as occasional confusion soon morphed into a pervasive sense of frustration. Homework sessions, once anticipated with enthusiasm, became battlegrounds of tears and exhaustion.

The disconnect between his verbal proficiency and written struggles was baffling. It seemed paradoxical that a child who could articulate his thoughts eloquently found himself grappling with the basic building blocks of literacy. We tried our best to offer encouragement and support. But it felt like trying to navigate through a dense fog without a compass.

Despite our best efforts, the gap between our son’s abilities and his peers’ continued to widen. The frustration bled into other aspects of his life, affecting his self-esteem and overall well-being. Simple tasks that should have been met with confidence became sources of anxiety and avoidance. It was heartbreaking to watch him struggle, knowing that our reassurances could only do so much to alleviate his burdens.

As the weight of his challenges grew heavier, our resolve to find answers intensified. We sought guidance from teachers, educational specialists, and fellow parents. Desperately searching for a glimmer of insight that could illuminate our path forward. Little did we know that this journey would lead us to a deeper understanding of our son’s unique learning profile. Ultimately reshaping our family’s perspective on education and ability.

First Grade

In first grade, we experienced a pivotal moment that would forever change our understanding of our son’s struggles. It all began with the remarkable teacher we were fortunate enough to have that year. Her proactive approach to addressing students’ diverse learning needs set the stage for a transformative journey.

What stood out to us was the reading workshop she organized before the school year even began. Little did we know, this seemingly routine event would unveil crucial insights into our son’s learning journey. During the workshop, our son’s engagement with reading materials caught our attention. He seemed eager and enthusiastic, actively participating in the exercises. However, as the school year commenced, a stark contrast emerged. In the classroom, he struggled to stay focused and often appeared disengaged. It was perplexing and disheartening to witness the disparity between his apparent interest in reading and his challenges in the classroom environment.

Individual Support

It wasn’t until his teacher pulled him aside for one-on-one instruction that the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Away from the distractions of the classroom, our son’s true capabilities shone through. He demonstrated an impressive grasp of the material, swiftly decoding words and comprehending passages. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing his untapped potential.

This pivotal moment was the catalyst for our realization that something more profound was at play. It was not a lack of intelligence or effort on our son’s part. But rather a mismatch between his learning style and the traditional classroom setting. This revelation marked the beginning of our journey toward understanding and ultimately embracing our son’s dyslexia.

Looking back, we are immensely grateful for the insight and dedication of that first-grade teacher. Her keen observation and willingness to provide individualized support set the stage for our son’s academic success. This experience affirmed the importance of educators who are attuned to the unique needs of each student. Willing to go above and beyond to ensure their success.

In retrospect, that first-grade year was a game-changer in more ways than one. It was the beginning of our journey toward unraveling the mysteries of dyslexia and learning. To see our son’s challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities for growth and resilience.

Seeking Support: How I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic

Armed with the realization that our son’s struggles went beyond mere academic difficulty, my husband and I knew we needed to take proactive steps to address his challenges effectively. We embarked on a journey of seeking support from professionals. Who could provide us with the guidance and resources necessary to help our son thrive despite his dyslexia?

The first step in our quest for support was to seek out a comprehensive assessment from educational specialists and psychologists specializing in learning disabilities. This assessment served as a crucial starting point, providing us with a clearer understanding of our son’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as invaluable insights into his unique learning profile.

The First-grade teacher set us up with an evaluation. In the evaluation, she would show him pictures of colors or pencils and she would time him on how long it would take him to respond. With this, she was just trying to get his processing speed. What we learned from this is anything knew that is going to take time and repetition to learn it.

You can’t do it alone

With the assessment results in hand, we were equipped to navigate the complex landscape of intervention options available to us. We sought recommendations from experts in the field, researched evidence-based approaches, and consulted with other parents who had walked a similar path. Armed with this knowledge, we made informed decisions about the types of interventions and accommodations that would best support our son’s needs.

One of the most impactful decisions we made was enrolling our son in a specialized tutoring program specifically designed for individuals with dyslexia. This program utilized multisensory teaching techniques that catered to his unique learning style. Helping him develop essential literacy skills in a supportive and understanding environment. Additionally, we collaborated closely with his school to implement accommodations such as extended time for assignments, preferential seating, and access to audiobooks and assistive technology. None of these things has made a huge difference just little things that we have learned along the way.

Home is important

Beyond formal interventions, we also sought to create a supportive and nurturing home environment that fostered our son’s confidence and resilience. We encouraged his interests and passions, celebrated his achievements, and emphasized the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges. We also made a concerted effort to educate ourselves about dyslexia. Attending workshops and seminars, reading books and articles, and connecting with other families in similar situations.

Throughout this journey, we encountered countless dedicated professionals who were committed to supporting our son’s success. From teachers who went above and beyond to accommodate his needs to specialists who provided invaluable insights and guidance, we were continually humbled by the outpouring of support we received.

While the road to supporting our son with dyslexia has been marked by challenges and obstacles, it has also been a journey of growth, resilience, and profound transformation. Through our unwavering commitment to advocating for his needs and providing him with the support and resources he requires, we have witnessed firsthand the incredible resilience and determination that define him. As we continue along this journey, we remain hopeful and optimistic about the bright future that lies ahead for our son.

The Transformation: How I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic

Slowly but surely, as we began to implement the interventions and accommodations recommended for our son’s dyslexia. We witnessed a remarkable transformation unfold before our eyes. It was a journey marked by small victories and significant milestones. Each one a testament to our son’s resilience and determination.

One of the most noticeable changes we observed was in our son’s attitude toward learning. With the support of his specialized tutoring program and the accommodations provided at school. He began to approach academic challenges with newfound confidence and determination. Instead of viewing his dyslexia as a barrier to success, he embraced it as a unique aspect of his identity. How I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic is one thing that endowed him with strengths and abilities that set him apart.

As his literacy skills improved,

So too did his self-esteem and sense of self-worth. No longer defined by his struggles with reading and writing, he began to recognize his own intelligence, creativity, and unique talents. He discovered a love for storytelling and imaginative thinking, eagerly devouring books and exploring new ideas with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Equally important was the shift in our own perspective as parents. What had once seemed like insurmountable obstacles now appeared as opportunities for growth and learning. We learned to celebrate our son’s achievements, no matter how small, and to approach his challenges with patience, empathy, and understanding.

But perhaps the most profound transformation of all was in our family as a whole. Dyslexia had brought us together in ways we never could have imagined, fostering a sense of unity, empathy, and shared purpose. We learned to lean on one another for support, to celebrate each other’s strengths, and to navigate the ups and downs of this journey with resilience and grace.

Through it All

Through it all, we never lost sight of the incredible progress our son had made. From struggling to decode simple words to confidently expressing himself through written language, his journey had been nothing short of extraordinary. And while the road ahead may still be filled with challenges, we face it with a renewed sense of hope and optimism, knowing that with love, support, and determination, anything is possible.

In the end, How I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic wasn’t as important as the transformation we witnessed in our son. It was not just about learning to read and write—it was about discovering his own strength, resilience, and inherent worth as a person. As we continue to walk this path together, we do so with gratitude for the journey that has brought us to where we are today and excitement for the adventures that lie ahead.

A Message of Hope:

Our journey with dyslexia has been a testament to the power of resilience, perseverance, and unwavering determination. It has taught us that while the road may be fraught with challenges, it is also paved with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth.

To parents embarking on a similar journey, I offer this message of hope: you are not alone. While the path may seem daunting at times, there is a vast network of support and resources available to help guide you along the way. Seek out educational specialists, support groups, and advocacy organizations that can offer guidance and support tailored to your child’s needs.

It is not a reflection of your sons worth

Remember that dyslexia is not a reflection of your child’s intelligence or worth as a person. It is simply a difference in the way their brain processes information. With the right support and accommodations in place, your child can overcome obstacles and thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Embrace your child’s unique strengths and talents, and celebrate their achievements no matter how small. Encourage them to pursue their passions and interests, and foster a love of learning that extends beyond the confines of the classroom.

Above all, never lose sight of the incredible resilience and determination that define your child. They are capable of achieving greatness beyond your wildest dreams, and with your love, support, and unwavering belief in their potential, there is no limit to what they can accomplish.

So hold onto hope, dear parents, and know that the challenges you face today are merely stepping stones on the path to a brighter future. With courage, compassion, and a steadfast commitment to advocating for your child’s needs, you can help them reach their full potential and soar to new heights. The journey may not always be easy, but it will be worth it, for the gift of watching your child overcome obstacles and thrive is a reward beyond measure.

Conclusion:How I Knew My Son Was Dyslexic

As we reflect on our family’s journey of recognizing and supporting our son’s dyslexia, we are filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the lessons learned, the challenges overcome, and the transformations witnessed. Our experience has taught us invaluable lessons about resilience, empathy, and the power of unconditional love.

In a world that often prizes conformity and uniformity, our son’s journey has been a poignant reminder of the beauty and diversity that exist within each individual. Dyslexia may present challenges, but it also fosters strengths—creativity, resilience, and out-of-the-box thinking—that enrich the fabric of our society in immeasurable ways.

To parents embarking on a similar journey, we offer this message of hope: you are not alone. Though the road may be long and winding, there is a community of support waiting to uplift and empower you. Lean on educators, specialists, and fellow parents who understand the unique challenges you face. Advocate fiercely for your child’s needs, celebrate their achievements, and never lose sight of the incredible potential that lies within them.

Dyslexia is a speed bump, not a Roadblock

Remember that dyslexia is not a barrier to success but a pathway to new opportunities and discoveries. Embrace your child’s differences, celebrate their strengths, and nurture their passions with unwavering love and support. And above all, never underestimate the power of hope—the belief that with determination, resilience, and a supportive community by your side, anything is possible.

As we continue on our journey, we do so with hearts full of hope and gratitude for the blessings that dyslexia has brought into our lives. Our son’s dyslexia is not a limitation but a gift—an invitation to see the world through a different lens, embrace diversity, and celebrate the unique beauty of every individual.

May our story serve as a beacon of hope for families navigating similar paths, a reminder that in the face of adversity, there is always light to guide us forward. May we never lose sight of the profound truth that it is our differences that make us beautiful, our challenges that make us strong, and our love that makes all things possible.

Top Questions

  1. What are the signs of dyslexia in children?
    • Difficulty with reading, writing, and spelling
    • Trouble with phonemic awareness and decoding words
    • Poor spelling and grammar despite strong oral language skills
    • Slow or laborious reading with frequent errors
    • Difficulty understanding and remembering what was read
    • Challenges with sequencing and organization
  2. At what age can dyslexia be identified?
    • Dyslexia can be identified as early as preschool age, but it’s often diagnosed around age 7 or 8 when reading demands increase.
  3. How is dyslexia diagnosed?
    • Dyslexia is typically diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation by educational psychologists or other qualified professionals. This assessment may include standardized tests, observations, and interviews to assess reading skills, cognitive abilities, and other relevant factors.
  4. What should parents do if they suspect their child has dyslexia?
    • If parents suspect their child has dyslexia, they should seek a comprehensive evaluation from qualified professionals, such as educational psychologists or neuropsychologists. Additionally, they can work with their child’s school to implement accommodations and support services.
  5. Can dyslexia be treated or cured?
    • While dyslexia cannot be cured, it can be effectively managed with appropriate interventions and support. Multisensory reading programs, accommodations, and assistive technologies can help individuals with dyslexia overcome challenges and develop essential literacy skills.
  6. How can parents support a child with dyslexia at home?
    • Parents can support a child with dyslexia by providing a supportive and nurturing environment, advocating for their educational needs, and offering encouragement and reassurance. Additionally, engaging in activities that promote reading and language development, such as reading aloud together and playing word games, can be beneficial.
  7. Will my child outgrow dyslexia?
    • Dyslexia is a lifelong condition, but with appropriate support and intervention, individuals with dyslexia can learn to effectively manage their challenges and achieve success in school and beyond.
  8. What are the strengths associated with dyslexia?
    • Individuals with dyslexia often demonstrate strengths in areas such as creativity, problem-solving, spatial reasoning, and innovative thinking. Emphasizing these strengths can help boost self-esteem and foster a positive self-image.
  9. How can schools support students with dyslexia?
    • Schools can support students with dyslexia by providing appropriate accommodations, such as extended time for assignments and access to audiobooks and assistive technologies. Additionally, offering specialized instruction and interventions tailored to the individual needs of students with dyslexia can help them succeed academically.
  10. What resources are available for parents of children with dyslexia?
    • There are many resources available for parents of children with dyslexia, including advocacy organizations, support groups, online forums, and informational websites. Additionally, educational materials, books, and workshops focused on dyslexia can provide valuable guidance and support.

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